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Widener Law Commonwealth is committed to supporting and celebrating diversity across our campus community. We recognize that bringing together students and educators from varied backgrounds and with varied perspectives enriches the learning experience we offer and creates an environment that better reflects the society in which our graduates will live and work.

Our vision is to embody diversity not only in terms of ethnicity, but also age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, abilities, and socio-economic background. In addition, we welcome many students who are the first in their families to attend college or graduate school.

We also recognize that it is our responsibility as legal educators to help bring greater diversity to the legal profession. We reflect this commitment through the work of our Admissions Office, through the Dean’s Diversity Board, which helps guide initiatives related to diversity, and through the Office of Student Affairs, which oversees multicultural affairs-related programs on a day-to-day basis.

Widener Law Commonwealth is proud to support the ABA Commission on Disability Rights, and has signed its Pledge on Disability Diversity in the Legal Profession. The pledge affirms our commitment to diversity in the legal profession, which includes people with mental, physical, and sensory disabilities.

Since 2014, Widener Law Commonwealth has offered a Safe Space program for LGBTQ students.  

Learn more:

  • Diverse Student Organizations—Several active student organizations focus on the interests of the varied communities that Widener Law Commonwealth comprises. These include the Black Law Students Association, the Latin American Law Student Association, and the Women’s Law Caucus.
  • Programs and Services—workshops and support programs to welcome students of diverse backgrounds and help ensure their success.
  • Legal and Other Resources—links to national organizations focusing on the interest of various groups underrepresented in the profession.
  • Scholarship Opportunities—links to national organizations sponsoring scholarship programs of interest to minority students.
  • Nondiscrimination— the Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy includes a written affirmation of our belief in the value of diversity to an institution of higher learning and our promise to protect that diversity.
  • Title IX—Review the information on the Widener University's website regarding Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Resources.
  • Bias Protocol— Widener Law Commonwealth celebrates diversity and embraces multiculturalism and we strive to maintain an inclusive and welcoming campus community. The Bias Protocol Policy outlines the procedure for reporting bias incidents and hate crimes.

Multicultural affairs are coordinated by the Widener Law Commonwealth Office of Student Affairs. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Cafecito with LALSA

Cafecito with LALSA (Latin American Law Student Association) is a student run podcast where traditional and non-traditional law students come together to share their unique journeys through law school. Hear the voices of minority students as they discuss their challenges and triumphs, and listen to diverse perspectives on a wide range of topics. Tune in for a dynamic conversation that reflects the rich tapestry of the Widener Law Commonwealth student experience. 

Multicultural Affairs

Randi Teplitz
Assistant Dean of Students

“Whether it’s in terms of gender, ethnicity, or simply personal background, this is a truly diverse community. You hear many personal perspectives in every class discussion, and that adds immeasurably to the learning experience.”
—Margaret Nollau '17