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The members of Widener Law Commonwealth’s faculty are experts on a broad range of legal subjects and welcome inquiries from members of the news media seeking insight and commentary.

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The information on this page is intended ONLY for the use of the media seeking comments for informational purposes from members of faculty of Widener University Commonwealth Law School. This guide is not to be used for any other purpose and does not constitute advertisement or solicitation. Potential clients of either Widener Law Commonwealth clinics or individual professors should not interpret this information as a claim of specialized knowledge, expertise, or experience that would impact any representation. All information contained herein is subject to change or removal at the discretion of Widener University Commonwealth Law School.

You can search the topics below for faculty members.

Jump to: Animal Law | Business and Labor Issues | Civil Law | Constitutional Law | Criminal Law | Evidence | Environmental Law | Family Law | Legal Education/Ethics | Property Law | Wills and Trusts | Tax Law 


Animal Law

Sarah Everhart, JD

Assistant Professor of Law
Director, Environmental Law and Sustainability Center

  • agricultural law
  • animal law
  • environmental law
  • food law
  • land use and sustainable development
  • property law

Admitted to the Maryland and the D.C. bars.

Business and Labor Issues

John L. Gedid, JD, LLM

Emeritus Professor of Law

  • administrative law/regulation
  • contract law
  • commercial law
  • conflict of laws
  • separation of powers
  • state constitutional law

Admitted to the Pennsylvania Bar.

Christian A. Johnson, JD

Inaugural Dean (2015-2020)
Professor of Law

  • Over-the-Counter Derivatives
  • Repo Transactions
  • Lending
  • Capital Markets
  • Federal Reserve
  • International Development Banks
  • Derivatives and Repo

Admitted to the New York, Illinois (inactive) and Nevada (inactive) bars.

Robyn L. Meadows, JD, LLM 

Professor of Law

  • commercial law
  • insurance

Admitted to the Florida Bar.

Juliet M. Moringiello, JD, LLM 

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Professor of Business Law

  • secured financing
  • payment systems: checks and notes
  • bankruptcy/creditors' rights
  • cyberspace law

Admitted to the Pennsylvania and New York bars.

Civil Law

Jill Family, JD, MS 

Professor of Law

  • immigration

Admitted to the Pennsylvania and New Jersey bars

Greg Randall Lee, JD 

Professor of Law

  • tort or personal injury law
  • lawyer professional responsibility
  • defamation law
  • disability law
  • home schooling law
  • law and religion
  • constitutional law 
Susan Raeker-Jordan, JD 

Professor of Law

  • torts
  • products liability
  • federal civil procedure

Admitted to the Illinois Bar.

Constitutional Law

Michael R. Dimino, Sr. , JD 

Professor of Law

  • constitutional law
  • Supreme Court personnel and procedure
  • judicial selection
  • first amendment
  • election law

Admitted to practice in New York, Pennsylvania, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and the Supreme Court of the United States.

John L. Gedid, JD, LLM 

Emeritus Professor of Law

  • administrative law/regulation
  • contract law
  • commercial law
  • conflict of laws
  • separation of powers
  • state constitutional law

Admitted to the Pennsylvania Bar.

Greg Randall Lee, JD 

Professor of Law

  • tort or personal injury law
  • lawyer professional responsibility
  • defamation law
  • disability law
  • home schooling law
  • law and religion
  • constitutional law
Robert C. Power, JD  

Emeritus Professor of Law

  • American legal history
  • criminal law and procedure
  • federal agencies/regulating policy
  • First Amendment
  • War on Terror

Admitted to the Pennsylvania, New York and Rhode Island bars.

Quinn Yeargain, JD

Assistant Professor of Law

  • constitutional law
  • state constitutional law
  • election law
  • separation of powers

Admitted to the Florida bar.

Criminal Law

Michal Buchhandler-Raphael, SJD, LLM

Associate Professor of Law

  • criminal law and procedure
  • domestic violence
  • gender-based violence
  • sexual assault law
  • family law
  • evidence
Robert C. Power, JD 

Emeritus Professor of Law

  • criminal law and procedure
  • federal agencies/regulating policy
  • U.S. supreme court
  • federal agencies/regulating policy
  • First Amendment
  • War on Terror
  • American legal history

Admitted to the Pennsylvania, New York and Rhode Island bars.

Quinn Yeargain, JD

Assistant Professor of Law

  • prosecutors and the separation of powers
  • constitutional law
  • state constitutional law
  • election law
  • separation of powers

Admitted to the Florida bar.

Environmental Law

Donald A. Brown, JD, MA 


  • environmental law
  • climate change
  • ethics
  • sustainability

Admitted to the New Jersey and Pennsylvania bars, the United States District  Courts for the Eastern, Middle, and Western districts of Pennsylvania bars , the United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals bar, and the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia bar.

John C. Dernbach, JD 

Emeritus Professor of Law
Former Director, Environmental Law and Sustainability Center (2015-2023)

  • environmental law
  • global warming
  • international environmental law
  • sustainable development
  • administrative law
  • property law

Admitted to the Pennsylvania bar.

Sarah Everhart, JD

Assistant Professor of Law
Director, Environmental Law and Sustainability Center

  • agricultural law
  • animal law
  • environmental law
  • food law
  • land use and sustainable development
  • property law

Admitted to the Maryland and the D.C. bars.

Michelle Vos, JD

Visiting Scholar

  • environmental law
  • land use law
  • regulatory compliance
  • code enforcement

Admitted to the Idaho and Florida bars.


Michal Buchhandler-Raphael, SJD, LLM

Associate Professor of Law

  • criminal law and procedure
  • domestic violence
  • gender-based violence
  • sexual assault law
  • family law
  • evidence

Family Law

Michal Buchhandler-Raphael, SJD, LLM

Associate Professor of Law

  • criminal law and procedure
  • domestic violence
  • gender-based violence
  • sexual assault law
  • family law
  • evidence
Mary Kate Kearney, JD, LLM

Professor of Law

  • family law

Admitted to the Illinois Bar. 

Legal Education/Ethics 

John L. Gedid, JD, LLM 

Emeritus Professor of Law

  • administrative law/regulation
  • contract law
  • commercial law
  • conflict of laws
  • separation of powers
  • state constitutional law

Admitted to the Pennsylvania Bar.

Anna P. Hemingway, JD

Director of Legal Methods
Professor of Law

  • academic skills
  • ethics
  • legal methods
  • property

Admitted to the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Bar.

Greg Randall Lee, JD 

Professor of Law

  • tort or personal injury law
  • lawyer professional responsibility
  • defamation law
  • disability law
  • home schooling law
  • law and religion
  • constitutional law
David A. Raeker –Jordan, JD

Associate Legal Methods Professor

  • team-based teaching

Admitted to the Maine Bar.

Amanda L. Sholtis, JD 

Director, Academic Success Program
Professor of Legal Methods

  • academic skills
  • legal methods

Admitted to the Pennsylvania Bar.

Property Law

Sarah Everhart, JD

Assistant Professor of Law
Director, Environmental Law and Sustainability Center

  • agricultural law
  • animal law
  • environmental law
  • food law
  • land use and sustainable development
  • property law

Admitted to the Maryland and the D.C. bars.

Wills and Trusts

Michael J. Hussey, JD, LLM 

Associate Professor of Law

  • federal income tax
  • wills and trusts
  • estate and gift tax

Admitted to the Illinois, Missouri, and Pennsylvania bars.

Tax Law

Michael J. Hussey, JD, LLM 

Associate Professor of Law

  • federal individual income tax
  • wills and trusts
  • estate and gift tax

Admitted to the Illinois, Missouri, and Pennsylvania bars.

Christian A. Johnson, JD

Inaugural Dean (2015-2020)
Professor of Law
Director, Business Advising Program

  • Over-the-Counter Derivatives
  • Repo Transactions
  • Lending
  • Capital Markets
  • Federal Reserve
  • International Development Banks
  • Derivatives and Repo

Admitted to the New York, Illinois (inactive) and Nevada (inactive) bars.


Contact Information

Mary Allen
Executive Director of Communications
Phone: 610.499.4246

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Related Podcast Episodes

Constitutional Law Explained
featuring Professor of Law Michael Dimino

Immigration Law Explained
featuring Professor of Law Jill Family